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Википедия сайттаҥ

Синан христиан биледе чыккан. Кезик шиҥжÿчилердиҥ сананганыла, армян укту. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Ол армян эмезе грек укту болгон деп Селим II 7 рамаданнаҥ 981 jылдаҥ бери (1573 j.jаҥар айдыҥ 30 кÿнинде кире)jакару чынын кереелейт. Ол jакару

  1. Clark University (Worcester, Mass.) «The Journal of international relations» том 7 Издатель Clark University, 1917 г. p458 Armenian architect, Sinan, who designed and built the famous Mosque of Adrianople, and the Mosque of Suley- man in Constantinople.
  2. Herbert Joseph Muller. «The loom of history» — 495 p. — New American Library, 1961 — p.439: Sinan, the greatest of Ottoman architects, seems to have been an Armenian —though it is almost a criminal offense in Turkey today to mention this probability.
  3. John Gloag. «Architecture» — 197 p. — Cassell, 1963 — p.85: the great mosque of suleyman the Magnificent was designed by Sinan, an Armenian architect, and built from 1550 to 1555, with a central dome 86 feet in diameter and 156 feet high
  4. Cecil Stewar. «Serbian legacy» — 135 p. — G. Allen and Unwin, 1959 — p.98: But only one architect is remembered — Mirmar Sinan, the Armenian, who was a contemporary of Michelangelo and whose greatest work was the Suleiman Mosque at Constantinople. He was also the architect of the Begova Mosque at Sarajevo.
  5. Kouymjian, Dickran. Armenia from the Fall of the Cilician Kingdom (1375) to the Forced Emigration under Shah Abbas (1604) // Ӱлекер:Книга:Richard G. Hovannisian:The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times (1997, Vol. 2)
  6. Sir Thomas Graham Jackson «Byzantine and Romanesque architecture» (том 1) Издатель Cambridge University Press, 1913 p. 143

    They are many of them designed by Sinan, who is said to have been an Armenian

  7. Bruce Allsopp. «A modern theory of architecture» Ӱлекер:Wayback стр. 73 Издатель Routledge, 1981 г. ISBN 071000950X, ISBN 9780710009500:

    What was begun under Constantine and achieved under Justinian in Hagia Sophia reached its ultimate fulfilment in the work of the Armenian janissary(under the Turkish Sultanate) Sinan the Great (1489—1588)

  8. «Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland» Издатель Cambridge University Press for the Royal Asiatic Society, 1937 p. 112.

    Thus, Mi’mar Sinan being an Armenian, it follows that the architect of the temple of Selim in Constantinople and Selim’s mosque in Adrianople was an …

  9. Zaryan, A. «Սինան» (Sinan). Soviet Armenian Encyclopedia. vol. x. Yerevan, Armenian SSR: Armenian Academy of Sciences, 1984, pp. 385—386.
  10. Dennis R. Papazian. The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume I, The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century, edited by Richard Hovannisian and, The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume II, Foreign Dominion to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century, edited by Richard HovannisianThe Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume I, The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century, edited by Richard Hovannisian. New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1997. xii, 372 pp. $49.95 U.S.The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume II, Foreign Dominion to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century, edited by Richard Hovannisian. New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1997. xii, 493 pp. $49.95 U.S. // Canadian Journal of History. — 2001-04. — Т. 36, вып. 1. — С. 209–211. — ISSN Ӱлекер:ISSN search link. — doi:10.3138/cjh.36.1.209.